Protest today at Downing Street

Protest today against the carnage in Rafah and the occupation if you’re in Brighton meet at the station at 9.30am Meet at Downing Street at 12pm, bring banners and people!! See you tomorrow! Louisa

Women’s group picnic

Brighton and Hove Muslim Women are having a picnic on the seafront on June the 2nd, from 11am till 1pm, inshAllah. We are meeting at the meeting point along the seafront near the statue of an angel. Please bring a rug or blanket to sit on and some picnic and inshAllah we shall have a nice…

Malcolm X day at Sussex University

Malcolm X (born 19th May 1925, assassinated 21st Feb 1965) Hello USSU people Today is ‘Malcolm X day’ , celebrated internationally but particularly in working-class African American neighbourhoods. Its a day that celebrates the life and rekindles the message of one of the greatest revolutionaries to come from the USA in the 20thCentury. Che-Leila are…

Lewes Primary School

Sabri Ben Ameur the Chair of Brighton & Hove Muslim Forum (BHMF), during his regular visits to schools in Sussex visited Lewes Primary School on 17.05.04 to talk to staff and students about Islam and Muslims. The children at the school enjoyed the session so much that they decided to show their appreciation by drawing…